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News in pictures Soil Monitoring Report for Qinzhou Zhonggang in 2024  [2024/5/4] (click1445)
2023年危险废物情况表  [2024/5/3] (click1453)
News in pictures Soil Monitoring Report for Qinzhou Zhonggang in 2023  [2023/8/28] (click1468)
Production, storage and transfer of hazardous wastes general solid wastes in 2021  [2022/9/2] (click1783)
News in pictures Soil Monitoring Report of Zhonggang, Qinzhou, 2022  [2022/9/2] (click1748)
News in pictures Monitoring Report of Waste Water and Exhaust Gas in Qinzhou Zhonggang in August 2022  [2022/9/2] (click356)
Publicity of cleaner production audit (Qinzhou Zhonggang)  [2022/4/14] (click923)
Announcement on soil monitoring  [2019/3/3] (click6704)
Qinzhou Zhonggang leather factory environment  [2013/4/19] (click537)
Guangxi Qinzhou Zhonggang Leather Co., opening ceremony of January 11, 2011  [2013/4/19] (click613)
Guangxi Qinzhou Zhonggang Leather Co., Ltd. \ living area  [2013/4/19] (click516)
Guangxi Qinzhou Zhonggang Leather Co., Ltd completed and put into operation  [2013/4/19] (click545)
Zhonggang leather Deng Youcai: the pursuit of perfection and general chapter  [2009/8/27] (click453)
Zhonggang leather group Guangxi department is expected to create tax 15000000  [2009/8/27] (click512)
Zhonggang leather was awarded "the most influential enterprises" title  [2009/8/27] (click481)
Deng Youcai introduced  [2009/8/27] (click462)
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Guangxi Qinzhou Zhonggang Leather Co., Ltd. 2013 all right reserved COPYRIGHT 2013-2020 ABCDE.COM ALL RIGHTS RESRVED
 cell-phone numberMr. Li:19507776818 Miss Guo:13517776610 0777-2561000
technical supportBeibu Gulf network