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Production, storage and transfer of hazardous wastes general solid wastes in 2021
promulgator:zgpy168888 Release time:2022/9/2 19:47:19 reading:6415 times

The production, storage and transfer of hazardous wastes and general solid wastes of Guangxi Qinzhou Zhonggang Leather Industry Co., Ltd. in 2021 are as follows:
1. Category code of chromium containing sludge (including filter cloth): HW21 193-001-21, with a production capacity of 3.624 tons and a cumulative storage capacity of 3.624 tons. The entrusted disposal unit: Hechi Modern Environmental Technology Investment Co., Ltd., with a disposal capacity of 15.04 tons.
2. Category code of chrome containing leather scraps: HW21 193-002-21, with production of 11.4 tons, accumulated storage of 12.78 tons and entrusted disposal of 0 tons.
3. General sludge category code: SW06, with a production capacity of 307 tons and a cumulative storage capacity of 61.44 tons. The entrusted disposal unit: Chongzuo Hongshi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., with a disposal capacity of 495.36 tons.

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 cell-phone numberMr. Li:19507776818 Miss Guo:13517776610 0777-2561000
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